Fundamentals of Database Design

What is a database ?

A Database is simply a collection of records. Data is an unprocessed information .
Data is converted into Database /Information which is a processed information and is meaningful.
While Database is collection of information in an organised manner .
A DBMS is a software which helps the user to organize the data in a specific manner.
Various DBMS softwares includes SQL / ORACLE server , SAS , ACCESS .These DBMS Softwares provides us with tools to organize data in a specific manner.It includes tools to add , modify the data .It also produces reports to summarise the data in a required format.

Types of Database :

1.Non-Relational Database: This is a database , where we put record in a field which we would like to create.
Example : A spreadsheet.This Data can only be copied and pasted.

2.Relational Database : In this database , the data is linked into tables.It is developed based on a database model .The Model differs from project to project based on the kind of variables which are required for analysis

Categories of Database Management System:

1. Desktop Server Database : This database in oriented towards single user application and are usually saved on personal computers,hence the term desktop.

2.Server Database : This contains mechanisms to ensure reliability and integrity of data and are geared towards multi-user application.

In the next post we shall start with Analytics and Database Management in detail.
Fundamentals of Database design is only for a basic knowledge that any analyst needs to posses.
