Negative Binomial Distribution

In the previous post i mentioned that there are 3 kinds of statisticians in the world :

1. Those who can count

2. Those who cannot count

You might be wondering who is the 3rd type of statistician ? Any guess

The third type of statistician is "The one who can neither " can count" and nor "cannot count" .

The above theorey is based on "Negative Binomial Distribution"
Now before understanding what is " Negative Binomial Distribution" lets understand what is "Binomial Distribution"

Binomial Distribution:
When you throw a dice what is the probability of occurance of 3?
Its 1/6.
Condition: There are only 2 outcomes " 3 will appear" (Success ) or " 3 will not appear"(Failure)

The Success failure experiments is called as " Bernoulli's Trial/ Experiment"

The Binomial Distribution is " N times repeated bernoulli's trial"
Or the discrete probability distribution of numbers of successes in a sequence of n independent YES/NO Experiments

What is negative Binomial Distribution ?
Given the above example:
If the discrete probability distribution of occurance of 3 in n sequence experiments is Binomial Distribution ...then,

The probability distribution of number of NON-3's is called negative binomial distribution.

Is'nt it simple...
