The math behind heart and mind!

Today's topic is math behind heart and mind!

They say building a character is like building a house .
They say building a character is like Gardening and etc etc and so on .....
They say a character is made of thoughts...and so on..
Since building a character is a very big trouble , in my life i never tried to build a character for myself!
"Truth to be told"

Have we ever tried to question the source of these thoughts ?

"I Thought" is the root.
You know what is that - "I"?

What is I ?
"I" was born as a single heart beat in my mother's womb. It was just one heart beat that formed my Body and it was that one single heart beat that also formed my Brain.

Who were you before the thoughts came into your life?
Heart is nothing but soul's consciousness .

 I = Heart = Consciousness , the masculine energy which i keep referring into my post
And Heart is the  state of consciousness prior to thought .
Heart is first and creation afterwards.

Question : Imagine that you were not identified with your Thoughts? 
Feel that experience ! Feeling - is that which never leaves you alone - Feeling!
Feeling is the energy and feeling is the reality !

Dont waste time building character , you are not a character and  life is not a play .

Focus on being REAL!

Heart is the center of everything! Dont focus on that  commentary that is running in your mind - people around you are capable of putting Garbage in your mind . Dont identify yourself with thoughts .

Make the voice of the heart as the final word and make all the energy (mind + body) flow in the direction of heart! The electromagnetic field of heart is 60 times greater than brain .
Heart's energy is 60 times greater than brain

The science behind brain and mind!

My father was from a middle class family who lived his life with an optimistic tomorrow!
He never helped me build a character for myself , he always taught me to be - REAL , JUST REAL.
People keep talking about Character , but I dont know what is the meaning of Character? I know what is REAL and i dont know what is character!
Anyway life is not a play and so i dont want to be a Character!
